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Rosanna Longenbaker | profile | all galleries >> Spain >> Home Stay: Segovia tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Home Stay: Segovia

August 31, 2001 - September 20, 2001
At the end of orientation we got on a bus and drove to Segovia. It is a very old city with an aquaduct that was built by the Romans. I met my host family at the bus station in Segovia. They took me to their home in San Cristóbal de Segovia which is only a few kilometers outside of Segovia. For the next three weeks I only saw the other students when we went to class in Segovia a few days a week. The rest of the time I spent getting to know my host family and exploring the "pueblo" (village) where I lived. We were required to interview residents and write papers about the villages where we were staying. I was the only student assigned to my village. I think I was the first student from my school to stay there. For three weeks I was immersed totally in Spanish. I only heard English a few times. By the end of the home stay I found myself thinking in Spanish. I was sad to leave my host family.
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