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TransTasman Competition 2023

Wanaka NZ, Central Coast Aus & Ryde Eastwood Aus Camera Clubs online Competition March 2023

'OPEN' Subject Competition

To view Wanaka's website Click Here

To view Central Coast's website Click Here

RELCC would like to thank all the judges, Robert Norman from New Zealand and Ronald Atkinson and Don Munro in Australia
for their time and for commenting on our images. There was a great selection of images from all Clubs.
The scores on the images are the average of the three judges out of 15 and rounded to one decimal point. A carbon copy of last year, well done.
It just shows how close the three Clubs are the the great talent from their members.

We declare Central Coast Camera Club Aus. the outright winner of this the 2023 TransTasman Competition.

Central Coast CC (Aus).......................................233.3 points
Ryde Eastwood Leagues Camera Club (Aus)...... 232.3 points
Wanaka Camera Club (NZ)..................................228.7 points

Thanks to all involved.

We look forward to the next Competition between the three Clubs.
101] As Through a Glass Darkly
101] As Through a Glass Darkly
102] Rainbow Beeater
102] Rainbow Beeater
103] Drift
103] Drift
104] Matukituki Valley
104] Matukituki Valley
105] Water Droplets
105] Water Droplets
106] Bucking Bronc Cassilis
106] Bucking Bronc Cassilis
107] Purple
107] Purple
108] Tiny Spider
108] Tiny Spider
109] The High Country
109] The High Country
110] Dubbo Bar Tender
110] Dubbo Bar Tender
111] Jenny Dixon Beach
111] Jenny Dixon Beach
112] Water Worn
112] Water Worn
113] Koolewong Stillness
113] Koolewong Stillness
114] The Drop
114] The Drop
115] Little Bursts of Colour
115] Little Bursts of Colour
116] Looking Glass Island
116] Looking Glass Island
117] Tasty Grub
117] Tasty Grub
118] Australian Water Dragon
118] Australian Water Dragon
119] Resting
119] Resting
120] Spitzkoppe Arch
120] Spitzkoppe Arch
121] Poolburn Hoar Frost
121] Poolburn Hoar Frost
122] At Pupu Springs
122] At Pupu Springs
123] Merging Trams
123] Merging Trams
124] Sea Eagle
124] Sea Eagle
125] Mood
125] Mood
126] Mitchell's Cottage
126] Mitchell's Cottage
127] Water Droplets on a Rose
127] Water Droplets on a Rose
128] Always in Unison
128] Always in Unison
129] Out on the Town
129] Out on the Town
130] Native Bees
130] Native Bees
131] Octopus Homie
131] Octopus Homie
132] Old Fisherman
132] Old Fisherman
133] Sunrise on Tasman Lake
133] Sunrise on Tasman Lake
134] Dream Hills
134] Dream Hills
135] Mono Ghostie
135] Mono Ghostie
136] Puppets on Strings
136] Puppets on Strings
137] Staring
137] Staring
138] Iron Span
138] Iron Span
139] I'm Watching You
139] I'm Watching You
140] Sunset Dinner
140] Sunset Dinner
141] Lindis Pass
141] Lindis Pass
142] The Lion King
142] The Lion King
143] Portrait of a Poppy
143] Portrait of a Poppy
144] Hairy Bug on a Hairy Plant
144] Hairy Bug on a Hairy Plant
145] The Renaissance Man
145] The Renaissance Man
146] Tiny Valley
146] Tiny Valley
147] Grip Water Balls
147] Grip Water Balls
148] Delicate Beauty of Bad Weather
148] Delicate Beauty of Bad Weather
149] Lunar Eclipse 2021
149] Lunar Eclipse 2021
150] Elderly Lady
150] Elderly Lady
151] Turtle and Wreck
151] Turtle and Wreck
152] Staying Dry in the Wet
152] Staying Dry in the Wet
153] Dropped Catch
153] Dropped Catch
154] Dewy Rose
154] Dewy Rose
155] Leaf Study IV
155] Leaf Study IV
156] Two Sides to Every Story
156] Two Sides to Every Story
157] Variety is the Spice
157] Variety is the Spice
158] Monet at Muir Creek
158] Monet at Muir Creek
159] Craig Hut 2
159] Craig Hut 2
160] Strike a Pose
160] Strike a Pose