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PAL Classic Old Colors

This gallery combines all of my Philippine Airlines Old Colors/Classic photos. As this is another work-in-progress & images will be added from time to time.

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HS-748 RP-C1021 landing at Jolo, Sulu (JOL/RPMJ)
HS-748 RP-C1021 landing at Jolo, Sulu (JOL/RPMJ)
DVO propeller planes in 1979
DVO propeller planes in 1979
PR105 appetizer
PR105 appetizer
Dinner aboard PR105
Dinner aboard PR105
Appetizer PR105
Appetizer PR105
Dinner aboard PR105
Dinner aboard PR105
Breakfast out of Honolulu (HNL)
Breakfast out of Honolulu (HNL)
PAL Hanger & stored BAC 1-11 aircraft
PAL Hanger & stored BAC 1-11 aircraft
RP-C1042  PR479 ZAM-JOL
RP-C1042 PR479 ZAM-JOL
Manila International Airport
Manila International Airport
Manila International Airport (MIA) 1st photo
Manila International Airport (MIA) 1st photo
Manila International Airport (MIA) 2nd photo
Manila International Airport (MIA) 2nd photo
PAL A-300 Love Bus
PAL A-300 Love Bus
PAL A-300 Love Bus
PAL A-300 Love Bus
B747-200 & A300
B747-200 & A300
The good ole days! Philippine Airlines Boeing 747-200
The good ole days! Philippine Airlines Boeing 747-200
Philippine Airlines DC-8 at Manila International Airport (MIA), Nichols/Villamor Air Base
Philippine Airlines DC-8 at Manila International Airport (MIA), Nichols/Villamor Air Base
PAL-SFO DC-8 model
PAL-SFO DC-8 model
PAL DC-8 original model
PAL DC-8 original model
PAL A-300B4 model
PAL A-300B4 model
Philippine Airlines McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 at Manila International Airport (MIA)
Philippine Airlines McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 at Manila International Airport (MIA)
Philippine Airlines B747-200 N741PR
Philippine Airlines B747-200 N741PR
PAL B747-200 N743PR PR107 SFO-HON-MNL
PAL B747-200 N743PR PR107 SFO-HON-MNL
PAL B-747-200 cut-out model
PAL B-747-200 cut-out model
F-OHZO turning around the newly extended DVO runway
F-OHZO turning around the newly extended DVO runway
Korean Airlines Boeing 747 Manila (MNL) overshoot
Korean Airlines Boeing 747 Manila (MNL) overshoot