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Philippine Aviation | all galleries >> Galleries >> PAL Classic Old Colors > Korean Airlines Boeing 747 Manila (MNL) overshoot
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18-SEP-1981 Jack Hannen

Korean Airlines Boeing 747 Manila (MNL) overshoot

Manila, Philippines

This Korean Airlines Boeing 747 overshot Manila International Airport on Sept 15. The aircraft
blocked the service road but stopped short of the South Expressway

The flight was from Gimpo (GMP) Seoul, Korea to Muharraq, Bahrain (BAH) and Zurich, Switzerland (ZRH) via Manila, Philippines (MNL) .

Note the wide open space MNL and its vicinity was. On the left are three PAL aircraft &
hangars showing a part of Nichols* Air Base. Beyond in what today is Bonifacio is the
absence of high-rise buildings. To the right are Merville & Moonwalk Subdivisions.
Marking the foreground (blue car) is a 'shortcut' used by vehicles to cross the main runway 06-24.

This photo was taken during a runway 13 take-off from aboard PAL BAC 1-11 flt PR183 MNL-CGY.
Back in those days I only had an instamatic camera. I already heard about this incident on TV &
seen the plane from my trip along EDSA to the MDA** & therefore had to plan this shot very
carefully: Be at the airport very early & request for window seat 1A. At take-off speeds only
one shot could be taken. This scene was gone by the time I finished advancing the roll of film
in the hopes of taking a second one.

*Now known as Villamor Air Base.
**Manila Domestic Airport

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Philippine Aviation15-Oct-2017 16:50
1,528 pageviews as of 12:50PM 101517 NYT. Image was uploaded at 12:50PM yesterday.
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