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Philippine Aviation | all galleries >> Galleries >> PAL Classic Old Colors > F-OHZO turning around the newly extended DVO runway
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17-FEB-2000 Jack Hannen

F-OHZO turning around the newly extended DVO runway

Davao, Philippines

PAL A-330 F-OHZO is creating a dust storm as it turns around the
newly extended runway & about to take off from runway 23 for Manila.
A PAF Bronco OV-10 parks in its usual spot on the ramp.

This photo was taken from the ramp of the old Sasa Terminal.
During this time the new Terminal across was still being built.

Pardon the poor quality of this photo. It is a shot I hurriedly took
of a real photo in one of my albums that has been been exposed to humid conditions.
A scan would have eliminated the shadow of my camera (shown as the darker middle
portion) but moisture prevented me from taking out the photo from the sleeve without
damaging the image.


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