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Douglas Phan | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> LANDSCAPES tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Sudden Fog over the Gate!
Sudden Fog over the Gate!
The Magic Gate!
The Magic Gate!
Gate of Darkness
Gate of Darkness
Spring has arrived!
Spring has arrived!
Guard of the Valley
Guard of the Valley
Silicon Valley at Dusk
Silicon Valley at Dusk
Peaceful Bay!
Peaceful Bay!
Evergreen Valley
Evergreen Valley
The Path!
The Path!
The Road Home
The Road Home
Walk with flowers
Walk with flowers
Sandy Wool Lake, Milpitas
Sandy Wool Lake, Milpitas
Early morning at Sandy Wool Lake, Milpitas
Early morning at Sandy Wool Lake, Milpitas
Sandy Wool Lake, Milpitas
Sandy Wool Lake, Milpitas
Peaceful Hillside
Peaceful Hillside
Missing You!
Missing You!
South of Nepenthe
South of Nepenthe
Surf N' the Web!
Surf N' the Web!
For whom the rocks wait...?
For whom the rocks wait...?
Refrain of the Sea
Refrain of the Sea
Pacific sunset
Pacific sunset
Shore seen from Bixby Bridge
Shore seen from Bixby Bridge
California coastline, seen from Nepenthe
California coastline, seen from Nepenthe
Old friends and a Path!
Old friends and a Path!
Big Sur Coastline
Big Sur Coastline
Harmony, California
Harmony, California
There's a storm coming!
There's a storm coming!
Foggy Hills
Foggy Hills
Beach in Winter!
Beach in Winter!
The Love Story of Flowers
The Love Story of Flowers
Cascade of fall leaves
Cascade of fall leaves
Hillside sonata, in fog minor
Hillside sonata, in fog minor
Morning fog in the woods
Morning fog in the woods
Purple afternoon
Purple afternoon
Sunset on the meadow
Sunset on the meadow
Bridge at dusk
Bridge at dusk
Bay Bridge in Full Moon
Bay Bridge in Full Moon
Bay Bridge in Full Moon 2
Bay Bridge in Full Moon 2
Winter Morning at Harrah's!
Winter Morning at Harrah's!
Waikiki seen from Diamond Head
Waikiki seen from Diamond Head
Honolulu seen from Tantalus
Honolulu seen from Tantalus
Crystal Springs Reservoir
Crystal Springs Reservoir
Day's end!
Day's end!
Oak and cloud!
Oak and cloud!
Peach trees blooming!
Peach trees blooming!
Country lane
Country lane
Bay's Gate!
Bay's Gate!
Twin eyes!
Twin eyes!
Good bye!
Good bye!