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Marc Demoulin | all galleries >> Galleries >> One Year of Photography 2008-2009 and a major crash later > BUICK Century Vincennes - France
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BUICK Century Vincennes - France

other sizes: small medium original auto
Fotis D. Tirokomos15-Feb-2010 20:32
strong character
Elliott Marshall, A.S., RPR 27-Nov-2009 04:43
Marc, I believe this automobile could be a Buick Roadmaster. I have a few shots of one at a Miami automotive display, and it looks almost the same. EIther way, it's a great shot, as usual.
endre novak29-Mar-2009 18:06
nicely composed, as always.
Gerard Koehl29-Mar-2009 17:23
Une vrai merveille cette image... V
Tom Beech29-Mar-2009 13:51
Hard to believe the number of American automobiles there...
Guest 29-Mar-2009 12:16
Expert photography!!
CM Kwan29-Mar-2009 11:20
Another winner, Marc! V
Raphael_E29-Mar-2009 09:17
J'ai reconnu toute suite l'une de tes héroïnes... superbe ici tout autant qu'à la page 39 de ton livre :o) !! BV.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)29-Mar-2009 09:17
Mi piace!V
Sam_C29-Mar-2009 08:24
Superb Marc! Another outstanding composition. BV
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