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Marc Demoulin | all galleries >> Galleries >> One Year of Photography 2008-2009 and a major crash later > JAGUAR E type Vincennes - France
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JAGUAR E type Vincennes - France

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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)06-Nov-2011 08:43
Splendid capture Marc! Vote
Walter Coles31-Oct-2011 18:33
Nice angle and lighting
Dan Opdal08-Jul-2010 21:19
Very Nice Capture!!! V
Fotis D. Tirokomos15-Feb-2010 20:30
divine shape, captured beautifully
Guest 20-Jul-2009 20:38
Superbe cadrage et quelle belle luminosité ! Je suis toujours étonné du piqué que tu as avec cet objectif. Bravo vVv
Gervan04-Jun-2009 16:20
Fantastic image! V.
Rosemarie Kusserow02-Jun-2009 17:41
Great light and details, love the overal blue! Vote, Rosemarie :o)
Guest 08-Apr-2009 10:39
Love the angle and light... Excellent!
Sam_C08-Apr-2009 06:36
Stunning!! Beautiful rich tones and color. V
shatterbug08-Apr-2009 06:01
This light is sweet, and I love the rich blue sky too...gorgeous!
Jongky Ku05-Apr-2009 15:05
very nice curve and color!!
Guest 05-Apr-2009 13:31
Love the simplicity of this one!!
LynnH05-Apr-2009 12:44
Oh, this is wonderful. It is a wonderful shot, love the angle of the light. Your framing and font are just fantastic. They really enhance it! Vote!!
monil05-Apr-2009 11:39
C'est fascinant cette composition.
L'angle de prise de vue dynamise le tout. v
endre novak05-Apr-2009 10:17
perfect presentation. elegant and majestic.
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