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Manuel Libres Librodo Jr. | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> EXHIBIT, AWARDS, PUBLICATION... tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

In Box | LibRODiZed: 200 Photos, 200 Tips | AMSTERDAM: Manny Librodo's Workshop | EGYPT: The Riddle | 2K pLUs | BHUTAN - the ONE and ONLY | triBaLISm | of TextURES & CoLOUrS | ***BeDAzZLed*** North American Workshops 2008 | A s S o r T E d | a glimpse of VIETNAM | Krystal Vee @ Dhara Dhevi | the many faces of RAJASTHAN, INDIA | that.BALI.feeling, Bali, Indonesia | Workshops in North America '08 | Krystal ... the Journey Continues | Lovingly...KHARU | EXHIBIT, AWARDS, PUBLICATION... | JOIN-A-WORKSHOP (Sub Galleries) | ILOILO (Philippines), Banwa Ko | CANADA : The Land of Beautiful People | MYANMAR: Heartbeat of Gentle People | WORKSHOP in CANADA | Around ASIA (7 Sub Galleries) | ORIENTAL CHARMS | KRYSTAL (6 Sub Galleries) | KHARUNISIA | small WISHES | EL NIDO, PHILIPPINES | POPULAR GALLERIES (13 Sub Galleries) | MY FAVORITES (2 Sub Galleries) | PILIPINAS (8 Sub Galleries) | Around THAILAND (8 Sub Galleries) | FACES I Remember... (7 Sub Galleries) | SCANDINAVIA | UNICEF | CRUCIBLE | MASSKARA | Manny Librodo's Limited Edition Prints for Auction (RIS FUN FAIR 2008) | mabuhay


PORTRAITS of ASIA: this is the title of my first ever exhibit at One Workshop Gallery
in the Philippines (July, 2006).

My big thanks to Mr. Ross Capili for giving me this big break
and for opening up a lot of exciting opportunities for me.

I wanna share with you the images featured in the said exhibit.
Here's a walk through my gallery and the story behind
some of the unforgettable portraits I've taken.

I will continue with other pictures
which I wished included in the exhibition.
These are pictures that had won awards in various online competition and/or
had been published in international magazines.

This gallery will be updated regularly.