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Manuel Libres Librodo Jr. | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Around ASIA (7 Sub Galleries) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

In Box | LibRODiZed: 200 Photos, 200 Tips | AMSTERDAM: Manny Librodo's Workshop | EGYPT: The Riddle | 2K pLUs | BHUTAN - the ONE and ONLY | triBaLISm | of TextURES & CoLOUrS | ***BeDAzZLed*** North American Workshops 2008 | A s S o r T E d | a glimpse of VIETNAM | Krystal Vee @ Dhara Dhevi | the many faces of RAJASTHAN, INDIA | that.BALI.feeling, Bali, Indonesia | Workshops in North America '08 | Krystal ... the Journey Continues | Lovingly...KHARU | EXHIBIT, AWARDS, PUBLICATION... | JOIN-A-WORKSHOP (Sub Galleries) | ILOILO (Philippines), Banwa Ko | CANADA : The Land of Beautiful People | MYANMAR: Heartbeat of Gentle People | WORKSHOP in CANADA | Around ASIA (7 Sub Galleries) | ORIENTAL CHARMS | KRYSTAL (6 Sub Galleries) | KHARUNISIA | small WISHES | EL NIDO, PHILIPPINES | POPULAR GALLERIES (13 Sub Galleries) | MY FAVORITES (2 Sub Galleries) | PILIPINAS (8 Sub Galleries) | Around THAILAND (8 Sub Galleries) | FACES I Remember... (7 Sub Galleries) | SCANDINAVIA | UNICEF | CRUCIBLE | MASSKARA | Manny Librodo's Limited Edition Prints for Auction (RIS FUN FAIR 2008) | mabuhay

Around ASIA (7 Sub Galleries)

BALI's Mystique
:: BALI's Mystique ::
SIEM REAP: When Beauty Meets Charm
:: SIEM REAP: When Beauty Meets Charm ::
NEPAL: People & Places
:: NEPAL: People & Places ::
LUANG PRABANG, LAOS... at your fingertips
:: LUANG PRABANG, LAOS... at your fingertips ::
VIETNAM: People and Places
:: VIETNAM: People and Places ::
BALI, INDONESIA 2003: The Year After...
:: BALI, INDONESIA 2003: The Year After... ::
CHINA: Portraits of Life
:: CHINA: Portraits of Life ::