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Manny Librodo's Limited Edition Prints for Auction (RIS FUN FAIR 2008)

On the occasion of Ruamrudee International School's 50th Year Anniversary,
and as a way of giving back to this institution which I have served for seven years,
I am donating 12 of my limited edition 18" X 12" prints for a charity auction.

These prints have been featured in some of my one-man exhibits all over the world
and the framed prints were sold at the starting price of 20,000 baht to art collectors.
Most of these pictures had also won awards and prices in international competitions,
had been published in international magazines, and had appeared in UNICEF's calendars and planners.

All proceeds will go to the Tapestry Peace Projects of Ruamrudee International School.
Bidding is open from February 22 at 12 am to February 26 at 12 noon.
RIS community members please email to bid on the photograph(s).
Bids must include full name, address, cell phone number, and bidder's relationship to RIS in order to be considered.
Bidding begins at a special price of Thai Baht 3,000.

Please click on the photograph to see it in larger size. To see the prints, you can go to Mr. Edward Woodd in the Administration Building.

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