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Barri Olson | profile | all galleries >> Archives 2004-2019 >> Waterscapes tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Compostite Abstraction | Misfits and Time Travel | flora | Industrial | TableTop Sunlight | Things | The VFW Car Show 2011 - Madison WI | VFW CAR SHOW 2012 ~ Madison, Wisconsin | VFW Car Show Madison, WI | The Dam | Structures | Merrimac Ferry | Planes | Cameras | Open Road | Film | Yardbirds In The Snow | Wisconsin State Capitol | Conversations over Coffee | November | MadTown | The Cherokee Marsh | Some Color Stuff | Impressions of an Art Fair 2007 | Technically Incoherent | 'In Camera' Black and White | Cell Phone Snaps | Earth and Sky | Retro ● | Black White and Grey | Black White and Grey 2 | Monotones | mOnOtOnes 2 | High Key | Variations On an Acoustic Guitar | New Experiments in High Contrast | Hot Cars in Cold Contrast | Scratchboards The Dark Side | Flowers Without Color | The Protests - Madison WI | Pieces | People I Know in Monochrome | Sanitarium Hill on a Grey Day | People in Contrast | High Contrast Photography | American Contrasts | Trees in Shades of Grey | High Contrast Closeups | My Old Neighborhood in Monochrome | miscellaneum | People One | Waterscapes | Sailboats - Maple Bluff Wisconsin | State Capitol of Wisconsin | Icefog | Summer | Tornado Warning March 30th | Sunday Stream of Consciousness | Atwood Summerfest 2007 | MONOCHROMATICA a Monochrome Gallery | Harbinger of Spring | autumnal equinox | The Square Gallery | The Incredible Lightness of Being after 15 Games of Dirty Clubs | Gunner's Gallery | A Small World of Dogs | Yardbirds in the Snow-2006 | Animals


The Forney - Lake Michigan Tugboat Early Morning in Lake Geneva Wisconsin Early Morning Lake Geneva Wisconsin Lake Monona Not a Ripple
netIMG_1291.jpg Johnson Street Bridge Johnson Street Bridge Long View Madison Wisconsin Lake Monona Shoreline Madison WI
The Wisconsin River Near Spring Green Manitowoc Marina #2 Marina Near Dusk The Lights at Manitowoc Under the Bridge
netIMG_1586.jpg Fondulac Marina 1 Fondulac Marina 3 Fatboy and Manitowoc Lake Winnebago Entrance to Fonddulac Marina
Passing Ship on an Inland Sea Lift The Bridge There's a Ship Coming Through Susan W. Hannah and Cemex Conquest in the Channel #1 Susan W. Hannah and Cemex Conquest in the Channel #2 Susan W. Hannah and Cemex Conquest in the Channel #3
Susan W. Hannah and Cemex Conquest in the Channel #4 Darkwater 16 x 9 Clearing at Sunset Rock River at Jefferson Wisconsin Fallen Leaves on Water #3
Fishing Boat Kitesurfer Tenny Park Locks - Yahara River Places: Silver and Blue
[ Places: Silver and Blue ]