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Macastat | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Viroqua Enchantment... Heart of Unglaciated Wisconsin tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Historic Viroqua Public Market, Viroqua, WI USA | EMERGENCY! Inside a Trauma Center | Viroqua the Movie | Exploring a Tenuous Reality - my Photo a Day | MOVIE SHOOT: Philippines - Origins of My Blood | Burmese Felines of Middle Earth | A Decade in Chicago | Viroqua Enchantment... Heart of Unglaciated Wisconsin | "always time for Missoula!" (Butte too) | NYC & the WTC Site - Another Perspective | "Masks & Metal" - A Short Film | MACRO: seen from bulging eyes | Madison, Wisconsin - Isthmus City | aberrancy, oddities | Holga Lomography | In Box | Green Bay Packer Photography | Denver 2007

Viroqua Enchantment... Heart of Unglaciated Wisconsin

   Viroqua.... Our Eternal Home. This region in southwest Wisconsin has neven been glaciated... the soil has never endured the scraping of massive ice sheets. This is anchient land. A 100-million year-old seabed mountain range makes up the surrounding topography... walk where the first Americans tread 12,000 years ago (on some of the only land not covered in ice!), where massive sharks cut through water, and where in 1973, the area was spared total immersion in water from a planned dam.

The net effect is a powerful energy, exuding a healing effect on the soul.
   ... Explore our Public Market, in the heart of this region
... Read more of my Journey - visit my Blog ... LOCATION: Viroqua, Wisconsin ...gateway to America's unglaciated, Driftless Region ...a small portion of Earth that has miraculously watched virtually unperturbed as each ice age came and went. Viroqua, forever unglaciated it seems.
......My website portal: :

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