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The Historic Viroqua Public Market, Viroqua, WI USA | EMERGENCY! Inside a Trauma Center | Viroqua the Movie | Exploring a Tenuous Reality - my Photo a Day | MOVIE SHOOT: Philippines - Origins of My Blood | Burmese Felines of Middle Earth | A Decade in Chicago | Viroqua Enchantment... Heart of Unglaciated Wisconsin | "always time for Missoula!" (Butte too) | NYC & the WTC Site - Another Perspective | "Masks & Metal" - A Short Film | MACRO: seen from bulging eyes | Madison, Wisconsin - Isthmus City | aberrancy, oddities | Holga Lomography | In Box | Green Bay Packer Photography | Denver 2007

"always time for Missoula!" (Butte too)

Home of my brother David, Elizabeth his wife, and their amazing children. It took my wife and I a long time to make the 1500 miles from Chicago to Missoula. I can even remember grumbling a couple of times, "why Missoula?". Once we finally ventured there... we were instantly drawn to the people, the history, the food, and the connection to the land. I personally rather liked all the trains as well. The trip also enhanced our connections, and our priorities in this life.

Missoula is a captivating place... unexpected joy, amidst imposing landscape.

... Explore our Public Market, in Viroqua, Wisconsin
... Read more of my Journey - visit my Blog ... ......My website portal: :
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