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"Masks & Metal" - A Short Film

Preview for another upcoming short documentary film... Mask and Metal

This footage came from last night, Memorial Day, May 30, 2005 in Chicago. The music in this film is original work, by the band Technically Virgins (which I play rhythm guitar for), and all all of it was performed and recorded in that one day.

This is the story of my friend Alberto's brother, a regular Chicago guy who works in a factory forging ultra-high tensile steal (for nuclear missiles and Ginsu knifes), and also struggles as a metalworking artist, turning scrap metal into beautiful pieces of functional art.

The story will follow his life, as he begins to explore his art and passion --as a bigger part of his life. The question, of course arises... can he make a living from his craft?

Click link to view the Film... HERE My website portal:

Masks and Metal
Masks and Metal
Masks & Metal - A Short Film
Masks & Metal - A Short Film
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