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Macastat | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> A Decade in Chicago tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Historic Viroqua Public Market, Viroqua, WI USA | EMERGENCY! Inside a Trauma Center | Viroqua the Movie | Exploring a Tenuous Reality - my Photo a Day | MOVIE SHOOT: Philippines - Origins of My Blood | Burmese Felines of Middle Earth | A Decade in Chicago | Viroqua Enchantment... Heart of Unglaciated Wisconsin | "always time for Missoula!" (Butte too) | NYC & the WTC Site - Another Perspective | "Masks & Metal" - A Short Film | MACRO: seen from bulging eyes | Madison, Wisconsin - Isthmus City | aberrancy, oddities | Holga Lomography | In Box | Green Bay Packer Photography | Denver 2007

A Decade in Chicago

Where I live and work, most of the time, 1995 - present. Also see: shots from my other home, Viroqua, Wisconsin. You can visit a cool old-world public market there.

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Beauty and the Butt
Beauty and the Butt
Four Windows Wait
Four Windows Wait
Angels Reach
Angels Reach
self portraits
self portraits
coach house haunting
coach house haunting
Gold Metal Flour Past Hour
Gold Metal Flour Past Hour
snow falling
snow falling
Tumbleweed in Chicago
Tumbleweed in Chicago
Land of Prosperity in 30 degrees
Land of Prosperity in 30 degrees
at the light of time
at the light of time
Illegal Photo
Illegal Photo
el stairs home
el stairs home
Cloud Flux in 6 seconds
Cloud Flux in 6 seconds
hand impression
hand impression
playboy building
playboy building
Surgical Resident Early Fatigue
Surgical Resident Early Fatigue
moon over tower
moon over tower
difficult procedure
difficult procedure
After a long night shift II
After a long night shift II
Armitage, Graced by Snow
Armitage, Graced by Snow
Run For It
Run For It
cloud gate sun & Shadow
cloud gate sun & Shadow
No Permanent Home
No Permanent Home
Steel over Chicago
Steel over Chicago
all I have to offer
all I have to offer
honey heat
honey heat
laying under a 20 foot man
laying under a 20 foot man
Depaul ghosts
Depaul ghosts
into the lightly path
into the lightly path
melting on my fear
melting on my fear
Open Heart Pounding Doors
Open Heart Pounding Doors
Crimson Chains
Crimson Chains
Near Depaul
Near Depaul
Saintly Bars
Saintly Bars
Beneath a Window of Change
Beneath a Window of Change
slow zone ahead
slow zone ahead
Tree Lurching for Lunar Love
Tree Lurching for Lunar Love
Pyramid - Alley in Rotation
Pyramid - Alley in Rotation
Odd Restroom Shades
Odd Restroom Shades
Puzzle Pieces
Puzzle Pieces
cornice moon
cornice moon
illuminated facade
illuminated facade
wall detail
wall detail
my pickle
my pickle
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