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James Lundy | all galleries >> photoaday >> PAD 2005 >> PAD 2005 Your Favorites > A small Christmas Miracle
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A small Christmas Miracle

Cats and Dogs living together.

Even the pets are in the Christmas spirit!

They were both just about asleep when the first flash woke Dixie. Kenai just started to close her eyes again. I think Dixie realized she was sleeping curled up next to a dog and started to get that look on her face.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 35mm f/2
1/250s f/2.0 at 35.0mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
René01-Jan-2006 07:42
Bonne Année!!
Guest 27-Dec-2005 01:20
Great shot! That look on Dixie's face is a real find!
Buz Kiefer24-Dec-2005 23:25
Nah, Dixie's just waiting for him to fall asleep and she'll steal his food.

Great photo James and in keeping with the meaning of this holiday. Merry Christmas.
joanteno24-Dec-2005 08:15
Love the look! precious shot!
Graham Tomlin24-Dec-2005 07:13
lovely regards Helen
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