As an early Christmas gift to myself I finally went to a quick release tripod system. A little un-nerving at first to trust it compared to the threaded method but it does hold strong.
The pads on the tripod legs, Manfrotto 3001, did not come with the tripod. I took the tripod apart, which was very easy, and added some basic copper pipe insulation. I used the kind that is not split to where you can just wrap it around the tube, yes easier to get on but that kind also has to be taped down which looks bad. I used the whole circle type that you just slide on at the end of the tube.
Now my hands wont freeze when I am out shooting on cold days, and it also makes a good shoulder pad to throw your tripod over your shoulder and walk around with. Cost of the padding upgrade? I got six feet of the stuff for $3.24. and had another legs worth left over.