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James Lundy | all galleries >> photoaday >> PAD 2005 >> PAD 2005 Your Favorites > Holiday Undies
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Holiday Undies

Frilly stuff, never a bad thing, around the holidays.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM
1/250s f/2.0 at 50.0mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 16-Dec-2005 16:56
Okay, even without the benefits of the comments below, I will say I knew right off this was Abby and not you. :) Nicely done, the shallow DoF is perfect for a shot like this. I will say a slightly wider crop would have worked well. Not really to see more of her figure, but to see more of the profile of her face (out of focus) in the background. That might have added more context to it.
Chuck Inglefield16-Dec-2005 15:05
lol, this is funny
Guest 16-Dec-2005 14:33
Nice use of DOF and lovely model.
James Lundy16-Dec-2005 05:15
None taken by either of us. Good for a chuckle. That damn f2.0!
Guest 16-Dec-2005 05:11
DOH! Nooffence meant to Abby for usre! It's the damn 2.0 shallow DOF!!

(abby, I owe you a beer, and I owe James....and back wax? LOL)
James Lundy16-Dec-2005 05:02
Ummm hello, that is not me. Does that look like my long flowing hair? Click the link for reference if you have forgotten. Besides that can't be me in the image my back is far more hairy than Abby's (snicker, tee hee, as I get slapped up side my head, ouch honey!) Click this link for a back hair reference.
Guest 16-Dec-2005 04:58
I meant to add, you must look HOT in those LOL!!! Abby, you are a good woamn to love in in spite of the cross dressing!
Guest 16-Dec-2005 04:58
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