Well that is it for 2005 folks. Not a grand ending but an ending. Oh by the way I love Dr. Pepper!
This was taken at the relighting ceremony of the Dr. Pepper sign in downtown Roanoke, VA.
Here are some snips from the Roanoke Times (www.roanoke.com) about the event.
From July 18 through Oct. 8, 8 cents from each case of Dr Pepper sold in the Roanoke Valley went into a fund to restore the sign. The company reached its goal of more than $33,000.
The company sells more Dr Pepper in the Roanoke Valley than any other metropolitan area east of the Mississippi River, according to Dittrich. In the past, the city has been named the "Dr Pepper Capital of the World" and broke world records for its mass consumption of Dr Pepper in the late 1950s.
A few quick words about my PAD 2005. I am glad it's over! It was a great experience and I have several keepers from my daily images. But most of all I completed a new years resolution! How about that huh?! No, really the best part of this experience was what I learned about photography. The images may fade (or in the internet world just be deleted) but the experience and depth I gained (however slight) will be something I can continue to build on.
Back in my track and cross country days we used to say if you want to be a better runner just lace your shoes. Lace your shoes up every day and run. So I have to say the same can be said about Photography. Just pick your camera up every day and expose some film, or your sensor.
I will continue my PAD in 2006 but this year I will focus on what happens after the image is exposed. I took over 10,000 (ten thousand!) images this year! Many trips me and Abby took I would take sometimes several hundred images and in the rush of PAD just pick my favorite and work it up. So I have many, many gigs of images to go back and work up. So my PAD 2006 will contain many images from 2005 shoot dates, but like I said I am going to try to focus on post production workflow, techniques and just getting better and having fun with Photoshop.
Thank you very much to all the kind folks that stoped by and left comments on my images, and thank you to the folks that took the time and interest to view my images even if you didn't leave a comment. That is a very fun "interactive" part of PAD that helped to keep me going.
Finally, thank you Abby for suggesting that I do the PAD and for your support (going places to get a PAD and for being my model) and patience (for being my at times willing/unwilling model and putting up with the gobs of money (MY MONEY) I spent getting photography gear to try new interests withing photography). I love you very much! I hope 2006 is "our year".