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James Lundy | all galleries >> photoaday >> PAD 2005 >> February 2005 > Two for One SP
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Two for One SP

This SP was NOT a Photoshop composite of two images.

Only one shutter release was necessary to get this effect. The flash was set to fire two strobes at about a 3 hertz interval during the 2 second exposure. Each time the flash fires it captures changes in movement. In this example it was me tilting my neck down to my shoulder.

I did do levels and auto color in photoshop.

More Strobe Fun can be found here.

I also did a strobe shot in January. This one is much more fun, and better shows what can be done with a multi-strobe flash.

Ha, after posting that link I just realized that the strobe shot I did in January was also on the 4th.

Canon PowerShot G5
2s f/8.0 at 28.8mm with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Gail Davison05-Feb-2005 10:41
Very cool shot.
jude05-Feb-2005 09:30
Extremely cool! I'm writing that down.. not sure I know how to do the strobe thingie though. Nice and creative idea..
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