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James Lundy | all galleries >> photoaday >> PAD 2005 >> February 2005 > Shadow of a Pizza
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Shadow of a Pizza

Yeah well again not what I was going for. I got a hot spot on the crust when I was aiming for the pepperoni.

The pizza was about as good as the photo. SO I am looking forward to breakfast already!
This image was shot in complete darkness. I was hand holding a wireless 420EX about 16 inches away from the pizza. The 420 had a snoot on it to funnel the light to where I wanted to point the light.

Canon PowerShot G5
1/15s f/6.3 at 28.8mm with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 04-Feb-2005 16:43
nice lighting..yummy
Cindy04-Feb-2005 03:46
LOL, I know the feeling. I have never quite seen pizza in this light, quite different, still looks good though.
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