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James Lundy | all galleries >> photoaday >> PAD 2005 >> PAD 2005 MY FAVORITES! > Blue Ice
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Blue Ice

Today, February 5, 2005, it was a beautiful day in East Tennessee, around 52 deg. So me and Abby decided to take a drive thru the Great Smoky Mountains. We found lots of these ice formations along side the road once we got into higher elevations.

I saw this one and was like OOOhhhhhh. Abby's responce was "PaD huh?"

Oh yeah, PaD.

I ofcourse had my tripod with me.

Here is a wider view of the same scene, the above is not a crop.

Canon PowerShot G5
1/50s f/3.5 at 15.8mm with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
James Lundy24-Feb-2005 22:21

Thank you for your comments. We are actually not married, yet.
John S. Nasche06-Feb-2005 05:10
This is very nice. I far prefer to see images of people than "things", one of the issues I have to deal with on my own PAD project. Your have a very pretty wife, and should feature her more in your PAD project. I love the ice in this image, ... though I hate snow and ice on the ground, I have to admit that it presents many interesting and lovely photographic opportunities.
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