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Paul Dudley | profile | all galleries >> 22 Overseas Trips >> Vietnam 2007 >> 3: Bac Ha Market tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

1: Hanoi | 2: Around Sa Pa | 3: Bac Ha Market | 4: Halong Bay | 5: On the way to somewhere else | 6: Villages for Ceramics, Silk or Furniture | 8: Tam Coc: A rowboat through caves | 7: Phat Diem, a very Vietnamese Cathedral | 9: Hué – Kings, Wars and Recovery | 10: South from Hué | 11: Bach Ma National Park | 12: Hoi An | 13: Nha Trang | 14: Buon Ma Thuot, an elephant, and a waterfall | 15: Saigon | 16: The Cao Dai Great Temple | 17: The Mekong Delta | 18: Saigon Water Gardens

3: Bac Ha Market

Bac Ha is a three-hour drive from Sa Pa, which makes it a very long day trip. A more usual and sensible arrangement is to go straight back to the train after Bac Ha. But the market is colourful and fun, even if you don't want to buy a horse or a buffalo or a ploughshare. We bought bright things like scarves to take home, cheaper than we saw anywhere else.

There are interesting things to see and photograph on the way; we got the driver to stop just once (to take that photograph of a buffalo in a rice field), and I got one lucky shot through the window on the move, but if we'd had more time, and if I'd been more assertive or could speak Vietnamese, we would have stopped many times.
Useful umbrella
Useful umbrella
Mother and child
Mother and child
Three young salespeople
Three young salespeople
Buying a chicken
Buying a chicken
Buying colour
Buying colour
Horses for sale
Horses for sale
Dazzled by colour
Dazzled by colour
Traditionally dressed pair
Traditionally dressed pair
Purchase of a scarf
Purchase of a scarf
Selling yellow
Selling yellow
Home-made ploughshares
Home-made ploughshares
Take-away chicken
Take-away chicken
Small bananas
Small bananas
Serious motorcycliste
Serious motorcycliste
Purchase of a horse
Purchase of a horse
Bride waiting
Bride waiting
Young and camera-shy
Young and camera-shy
Finished for the day
Finished for the day
Stall holder
Stall holder
Visiting American
Visiting American
Small boy interested in fish
Small boy interested in fish
Wanna buy a buffalo?
Wanna buy a buffalo?
Colourful family
Colourful family
Sad buffalo
Sad buffalo
Small boy at scarf stall
Small boy at scarf stall
Hurrying home
Hurrying home
Strong old face – 1
Strong old face – 1
Strong old face – 2
Strong old face – 2
Ploughing a rice field
Ploughing a rice field
View over rice fields
View over rice fields
Hillside with tea
Hillside with tea