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Galina Stepanova | all galleries >> Gallery 2 >> Seasons of Backyard > Vine
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Canon EOS 10D ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
1/1600s f/4.0 at 32.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Yiannis Pavlis04-Feb-2008 20:48
Really beautiful. A play of tones, highlights and shadows.
Guest 02-Aug-2007 13:54
Beautiful shadows...
Stephen Hall30-Jul-2007 17:37
Shadow art. The background works nicely here!! SH
Apostolos Tikopoulos02-Jul-2007 23:41
Great composition Galina. Big vote.
alexeig30-Jun-2007 20:22
These leaves seem to climb the vertical rods in almost desperate effort ... As usual you are a master of b/w. A bit sad image though ...
shatterbug30-Jun-2007 07:04
Great play of light and shadows...terrific textures as well!
blizzard30-Jun-2007 04:00
a classic text book composition
excellent camera work
Guenter Eh29-Jun-2007 19:50
Wonderful abstract, the contrasts not to strong, the vine plant crossing diagonal to the straight lines...simple, effective and beautiful Galina!
Fong Lam29-Jun-2007 12:19
Lovely shadows of those vines which appear like beautiful flowers. Nicely seen, Galina ~V~
Robyco29-Jun-2007 07:23
Great shadows, well seen....
now we wait for the grapes....
Mostafa Moftah28-Jun-2007 23:12
Dancing shadows..
Great shot, very graphical too.. ~V~
Tom Beech28-Jun-2007 21:55
Nice sighting... looks like grape vine.