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Galina Stepanova | all galleries >> Gallery 2 >> Seasons of Backyard > Force
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Canon EOS 10D ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
1/200s f/8.0 at 22.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 29-Apr-2006 05:52
You have a talent for hard light/black and white. As always amazing work.
Guest 27-Apr-2006 19:53
the title fits perfectly for the pic, great shot Galina.
Ana Carloto O'Shea15-Mar-2006 16:35
Great work with the light in this b&w image. Strong indeed...
Yiannis Pavlis07-Mar-2006 14:40
great . nice strong contrast and dof .nicely composed.
Guest 12-Feb-2006 14:52
strong, indeed!
Guest 01-Feb-2006 21:14
The nice thing about having an open fire is it warms you twice if you are the one who chops the wood.
Sue Robertson31-Jan-2006 03:02
Beautiful black and white. A very strong image indeed.
jlm30-Jan-2006 19:11
Very strong shot!
ac30-Jan-2006 09:53
Sharpness, composition and contrast are good. Beautiful subject.
Marie-Hélène Raletz30-Jan-2006 07:20
The clarity and sharpness are really fantastic, Galina!
Solid composition.
Leslie Cohelan30-Jan-2006 03:13
One of the things I enjoy about your galleries is the ability to see "life" everywhere you go...your titles are often so appropriate for the image as this one is..