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Galina Stepanova | all galleries >> Gallery 2 >> Seasons of Backyard > Fig tree, window and light, reflected in it
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Fig tree, window and light, reflected in it

Still summer

Canon EOS 10D ,Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM
1/8s f/8.0 at 108.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Yiannis Pavlis03-Aug-2007 03:39
Extraordinary creativity and imagination.......Great find
Guest 08-Sep-2006 19:41
The blurred background of the window enhance the plant. I am not a great fan of flowers in B&W but I like this one.
Guenter Eh08-Sep-2006 13:11
Wonderful sublime composition - with that "L" framing. Love how you captured the light and the textures of the shadows!
Guest 08-Sep-2006 11:14
this is the sort of unusual comp that always calls me - I couldn't say why...
Guest 08-Sep-2006 05:37
I think if I asked you would say there is only one month when it isn't summer. I like the textures through the middle.
Leslie Cohelan08-Sep-2006 04:58
Beautiful light and composition Galina...clarity and sharpness of the fig leaf is exceptional
shatterbug08-Sep-2006 02:50
Very nice composition and tones!