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Jennifer Zhou | all galleries >> Galleries >> Everybody Has a Story > Echoes of the past, Shanghai, China, 2006
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Echoes of the past, Shanghai, China, 2006

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Mayand 29-Jun-2013 05:27
amazing (contrasting) emotions captured in this pic laoshi...!
Guest 28-Jul-2006 06:33
This is not just a simple accidential Snapshot but there are such deep emotions here.
A Genius capture of the present and past in a blink of an eye. Bravo
Guest 24-Jun-2006 17:44
Love it, it's a great shot all around....
Guest 18-Jun-2006 07:14
An excellent photo. I like the way the old man looking out, which is contrast with the other young guys. He must have found something interesting, but other people didn't notice or uninterested. I admire the speed you took out camera and shot and the courage shooting poeple in such a close distance. Great job indeed!
Guest 17-Jun-2006 13:03
great shot..
lovely exposure and great timing..
how did you manage this?
when i was travelling people were weary about my camera.
A Reid05-Jun-2006 23:11
I really like the lighting here. Your exposure is great.
Phil Douglis27-May-2006 18:34
****Another classic train image from the eye of master of such things. The older, perhaps wiser, man has turned his back on the young people all around him to face his own thoughts and his own, much shorter, future. A thought provoking image that works on a number of levels. I love the way the man is placed in the image, just off center -- and the way the young people seem to flow out of him, as if reflections of his own past. Superby rendered, this image is as strong in its way as your masterpiece "Migrant mother on the Shanghai-Heifei Train" at
Kal Khogali27-May-2006 14:40
His hands feel like they want to take a grip of something...someting real to him, it's like the world is moving too fast, and he is standing still, a bit like his train ride. The great states of expression of every one on tihs train stands in contrast to him....except that girl on the left, who by her expression says that even people of her generation can feel the same way...iconic of the commuter and modern age. K
Guest 27-May-2006 12:55
Great catch of the expression !
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