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Carol How | all galleries >> Galleries >> Alberta > Winter's Kiss
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10-NOV-2015 Carol How

Winter's Kiss

Calgary, Alberta

A quick trip for family and friends to Alberta this last week. Calgary had a light dusting of snow just before Remembrance day. The blue skies and bit of snow made for some very sparkly light. This is along the Bow River by Prince's Island and of course a view of some of the downtown. I just like the light in this image - heaven knows the world needs some bright light these days!

Nikon D810
1/250s f/8.0 at 50.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)15-May-2017 06:36
Beautiful and colorful photo. V
joseantonio25-Apr-2016 05:31
very nice composition and framing
Julie Oldfield21-Nov-2015 18:19
Beautiful lighting and color. V
Stephanie19-Nov-2015 23:17
Beautiful lighting in this pretty scene! The touch of snow is icing on the cake! :) V
Paco López19-Nov-2015 05:22
Excellent light and compo! V!
larose forest photos19-Nov-2015 02:35
Spectacular light in this marvelous and somehow exhilarating shot. V
Walter Otto Koenig18-Nov-2015 15:39
Beautiful lighting and great clarity. Love the color contrast of the trees in the foreground and the buildings. So well composed too. "V"
Jim Coffman18-Nov-2015 14:17
A very lovely capture of winters kiss!
peterjay4518-Nov-2015 12:13
Fantastic shot of downtown Calgary, Carol, I like your shooting POV, gives me ideas for my next visit there. :)
John Reynolds LRPS18-Nov-2015 09:03
An impresive cityscape. V.
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