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Carol How

Painted Turtles


Elizabeth Hall Westlands, Lethbridge

It is thought that they arrived with flood waters from the Old Man River. They are thriving here, along with pelicans and even blue herons. I think its a clear sign of climate change. Lethbridge has a desert climate.

other sizes: small medium large auto
Julie Oldfield16-May-2017 03:13
So beautiful! V
Blandine Mangin14-May-2017 15:30
beautiful compo !v
Marcia Rules14-May-2017 14:19
Truly intuitive processing Carol! VV
Jeff Real14-May-2017 13:50
The amazing beauty of this is taking away my breath!
I also enjoy the way they are lining up as if waiting to be picked up.
A wonderfully powerful metaphor ~V~
janescottcumming14-May-2017 11:01
Love how the water looks and those great reflections. V
globalgadabout14-May-2017 02:33
there could be many more climate migrants in the near future too...this group are certainly sympathetic...fine shot...
Neil Marcus14-May-2017 00:09
I like the way you composed this carol Good tonal quality. Sorry you couldn't make the trip
peterjay4514-May-2017 00:02
Lovely, super shot, Carol.
Jim Coffman13-May-2017 23:12
A very nice capture of nature, Carol!
Walter Otto Koenig13-May-2017 22:49
A wonderful shot with these reflections and textures of the water. "V"
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