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Carol How | all galleries >> Galleries >> Alberta > High Level Bridge
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02-APR-2013 Carol How

High Level Bridge

Lethbridge, Alberta

The railway bridge that crosses the Oldman River in Lethbridge is the longest of its type, at 1.6 kilometres from end to end. It has functioned successfully for almost 100 years

Nikon D800
1/400s f/8.0 at 35.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
an nguyen12-Apr-2013 03:12
Beautiful tone and frame .
settler08-Apr-2013 22:38
Love the composition of this and the almost infra red...BV!
shatterbug08-Apr-2013 21:36
Wonderful details...beautiful b/w!
Guest 07-Apr-2013 01:57
Brilliant tones!
Marcia Rules06-Apr-2013 14:46
your skills made this into a lovely B&W art piece ~V
Gary A. Rich (GRainelev)06-Apr-2013 14:13
What a beautiful treatment on this image. Great shot. I wanted to shoot a train on this bridge. I was up there several times, never got a train to come by. V.
Walter Otto Koenig05-Apr-2013 14:55
Great perspective and tonal range. I like your processing work Carol. "V"
globalgadabout05-Apr-2013 02:35
what a tantalizing scene...striking sturdiness and resilience on view here, and the comp is inspired...V
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