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Carol How | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Alberta tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map


landscapes small and large
Wind Power
Wind Power
Fishing at Lundbreck Falls
Fishing at Lundbreck Falls
Sunset Fingers
Sunset Fingers
Hoarfrost at Rothe
Hoarfrost at Rothe
Painted Turtles
Painted Turtles
Winter's Kiss
Winter's Kiss
High Level Bridge
High Level Bridge
Railcar Abstract #2
Railcar Abstract #2
Train Abstract #3
Train Abstract #3
Calgary History
Calgary History
Burmis Tree
Burmis Tree
Grain Elevator
Grain Elevator
Morning Frost
Morning Frost
Waterton Lake
Waterton Lake
Storm Over Canola Field
Storm Over Canola Field
High Level Rivets
High Level Rivets
Milk Shakes 25 Cents
Milk Shakes 25 Cents
Rolling Farmlands
Rolling Farmlands
Fresh Produce for Sale
Fresh Produce for Sale
Doe and Fawn
Doe and Fawn
Waterton Lakes Lodge
Waterton Lakes Lodge