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Venice: A Dream Place

Venice is one of Italy's top travel cities and a beautiful, romantic destination with many attractions.
Its small, traffic-free streets along the winding canals make for great walking.
You'll always find many magnificent churches and palaces, lively squares, and interesting shops.
Sunset Venice
Sunset Venice
Busy morning San Marco
Busy morning San Marco
Gondola at rest
Gondola at rest
Sunset Santa Maria
Sunset Santa Maria
Just got married
Just got married
Concert Night
Concert Night
Coffee mugs with angel's wings
Coffee mugs with angel's wings
g9/86/778986/3/161198967.mXZLNTGp.jpg Just got married
Just got married
Just got married
Just got married
g9/86/778986/3/161198971.rDEqOi1u.jpg Burano
Sunset S. Giorgio
Sunset S. Giorgio
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g9/86/778986/3/161216322.HVK2ZA8n.jpg Burano
It was my grand parent's home
"It was my grand parent's home"
Juliet's Statue, Verona
Juliet's Statue, Verona
lone dog under Verona's sunset
lone dog under Verona's sunset
valentine's day, Verona
valentine's day, Verona
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Saint Mark's Basilica
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