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Xin Qiu | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> New York City 2009 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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New York City 2009

My first impression of New York City, NY, USA.
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The Grand Central Station
The Grand Central Station
Light's up!
Light's up!
The Big Apple Skyline
The Big Apple Skyline
The Apple Store
The Apple Store
Stairs to the Apple Store
Stairs to the Apple Store
The Brooklyn Bridge
The Brooklyn Bridge
g1/86/778986/3/130686698.IRHaPHIh.jpg Rebuilding the WTC
Rebuilding the WTC
Toward the Empire Tower
Toward the Empire Tower
g1/86/778986/3/130686710.pv47XrIw.jpg g1/86/778986/3/130686713.j2ClJNJb.jpg g1/86/778986/3/130773194.3BBvnHLv.jpg Time Square at a glance
Time Square at a glance
Time Square at a glance
Time Square at a glance
Time's up!
Time's up!
g1/86/778986/3/130686695.yTFtjynr.jpg g1/86/778986/3/130686696.nWcZYrRL.jpg Win the gaze
Win the gaze
g1/86/778986/3/130709222.f2porkzh.jpg g1/86/778986/3/130709256.1gVwjGpb.jpg g1/86/778986/3/130709277.8E695z2Z.jpg g1/86/778986/3/130686701.v5fwOUqr.jpg g1/86/778986/3/130762124.0hyhcDu9.jpg
g1/86/778986/3/130686703.xSbcQh0k.jpg g1/86/778986/3/130692871.9IzW9saz.jpg g1/86/778986/3/130699488.0vD7W699.jpg Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
Time to say goodbye
Time to say goodbye
g1/86/778986/3/130692866.cusMg9FJ.jpg g1/86/778986/3/130692867.Loclh0AC.jpg Broadway walk
Broadway walk
g1/86/778986/3/130714281.mGXUZjtI.jpg g1/86/778986/3/130726491.N3twz4Ug.jpg g1/86/778986/3/130751619.WbJq46MY.jpg g1/86/778986/3/130764967.WIhXOZqw.jpg Where the money comes & goes
Where the money comes & goes
Wall Street
Wall Street
Wall Street
Wall Street
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g1/86/778986/3/130827159.IFSiezBN.jpg g1/86/778986/3/130836457.wb2gzqtw.jpg g1/86/778986/3/130854846.LVTpFbO6.jpg g1/86/778986/3/130856637.dhXIfrHv.jpg Candid
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