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Help Topics
How do I upload an image?
There is a section on the edit gallery page headed "Upload images to this gallery". This is also on your profile page for uploading to your InBox, but usually you will want to use the form on the edit gallery page.

First, click the [Browse...] button.

Next, hit the [Upload Image] button. Now all you have to do is wait.

After uploading, it may take some time for the thumbnails to generate. Until they are finished you will see an image that says "creating thumbnails". Usually this will happen very quickly, but could take a few minutes if the thumbnailing servers are busy.

Account Settings
Overview FAQ Instructions
You can choose which format you want to use to display your gallery titles when the gallery is displayed as a subgallery of its parent.
To change the gallery delimiter:
- Go to your profile page.
- Click on "edit your account settings".
- Scroll down to the "Account Settings" section.
- Select the Gallery Title Delimiter that you like from the dropdown menu.
- Click the Update button.

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