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Greg Gillson | profile | all galleries >> Bird Photos >> Photo Checklist: Field-Friendly Guide to San Diego Birds >> Raptors tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Raptors are birds of prey that hunt other birds and animals. They have strong beaks and claws. Many can be seen soaring high overhead, while others hunt low from a concealed perch.

Raptors include vultures, hawks and eagles, owls, and falcons.
Turkey Vulture
:: Turkey Vulture ::
:: Osprey ::
White-tailed Kite
:: White-tailed Kite ::
Bald Eagle
:: Bald Eagle ::
Northern Harrier
:: Northern Harrier ::
Sharp-shinned Hawk
:: Sharp-shinned Hawk ::
Cooper's Hawk
:: Cooper's Hawk ::
Harris's Hawk
:: Harris's Hawk ::
Red-shouldered Hawk
:: Red-shouldered Hawk ::
Swainson's Hawk
:: Swainson's Hawk ::
Zone-tailed Hawk
:: Zone-tailed Hawk ::
Red-tailed Hawk
:: Red-tailed Hawk ::
Ferruginous Hawk
:: Ferruginous Hawk ::
Golden Eagle
:: Golden Eagle ::
Barn Owl
:: Barn Owl ::
Western Screech-Owl
:: Western Screech-Owl ::
Great Horned Owl
:: Great Horned Owl ::
Burrowing Owl
:: Burrowing Owl ::
Spotted Owl
:: Spotted Owl ::
Long-eared Owl
:: Long-eared Owl ::
Northern Saw-whet Owl
:: Northern Saw-whet Owl ::
American Kestrel
:: American Kestrel ::
:: Merlin ::
Peregrine Falcon
:: Peregrine Falcon ::
Prairie Falcon
:: Prairie Falcon ::