I love the - often in sgraffito technique - earthenware objects we see appear in the early middle ages. The colours, the designs are wonderful. The museum houses some good ones.
Adana Archaeological Museum Terracotta Figurine 12-13th AD 0817.jpg
Adana Archaeological Museum Terra cotta ceramics 12-14th century 0410.jpg
Adana Archaeological Museum Terra cotta ceramics 12-14th century 0821.jpg
Adana Archaeological Museum Terra cotta plate 12-14th century 0819.jpg
Adana Archaeological Museum Terra cotta plate 13-14th century 0814.jpg
Adana Archaeological Museum Terra cotta plate 13-14th century 0818.jpg
Adana Archaeological Museum Terra cotta pot 13-14th century 0820.jpg
Adana Archaeological Museum Terracotta Figurine 12-13th AD 0817.jpg
Adana Archaeological Museum Terra cotta bowl 10-11th AD 0434.jpg