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Adana Archaeological museum
>> Bronze age things
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Mosaics in Adana
Neolythic things
Bronze age things
Calcolithic age
Iron age things
Hittite objects
Archaic things
Hellenistic things
Roman things
Achilles sarcophagus
Antropoid sarcophagus
More sarcophagi and such
Bronze statue of man
Early medieval ceramics
Bronze age things
I here group things that were indicated as being from the Bronze age. Their names should indicate more precisely what they are.
Adana Archaeological Museum Clay Car model Early Bronze Age 0233.jpg
ancient toy
Adana Archaeological Museum Zoomorphic rhyton Terra cotta Hittite empire Painted pot(s) Terra cotta Bronze age 0244.jpg
Adana Archaeological Museum Beak spouted jar Terra cotta Bronze Age 0236.jpg
Adana Archaeological Museum Painted pot(s) Terra cotta Bronze age 0238.jpg
Adana Archaeological Museum Painted pot(s) Terra cotta Bronze age 0240.jpg
Adana Archaeological Museum Painted pot(s) Terra cotta Bronze age 0241.jpg
Adana Archaeological Museum Painted pot(s) Terra cotta Bronze age 0242.jpg
Adana Archaeological Museum Spearhead and arrowheads Bronze age 0695.jpg
Adana Archaeological Museum Terra cotta car High legged pots Bronze Age 0698.jpg
Adana Archaeological Museum Woman figurine Terra cotta Early Bronze Age 0235.jpg
Adana Archaeological Museum Bronze age Dagger 0298.jpg
Adana Archaeological Museum Bronze age Dagger 0299.jpg
Adana Archaeological Museum Bronze age Dagger 0294.jpg
Adana Archaeological Museum Bronze age Sword 0297.jpg
Adana Archaeological Museum Bronze age Sword 0296.jpg
Adana museum Arrow heads sept 2019 6456.jpg
Adana museum Spear heads sept 2019 6455.jpg
Adana museum Bronze seal stamps sept 2019 6451.jpg
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