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Donutrun | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Animal Attraction tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Animal Attraction

I love taking pictures of animals ... there's something peaceful about it -- and I love the challenge of capturing the expression. Yes, someday, I'm going to get bitten or eaten, but for now, I'll keep after it ...
Got Cows?
:: Got Cows? ::
A Bit Sheepish
:: A Bit Sheepish ::
Horse Power
:: Horse Power ::
Bees, Wasps, & Hornets
:: Bees, Wasps, & Hornets ::
Bugs' Life
:: Bugs' Life ::
:: Bumblers ::
Bennington Bunny
:: Bennington Bunny ::
Acting Squirrely
:: Acting Squirrely ::
The Gullable
:: The Gullable ::
Duck, Duck ...
:: Duck, Duck ... ::
Frog & Toad
:: Frog & Toad ::
Snake Eyes
:: Snake Eyes ::
Hard To Swallow ...
:: Hard To Swallow ... ::
Dances With Killdeer
:: Dances With Killdeer ::
Bird Feeding
:: Bird Feeding ::
Charleston Aquarium, '04
:: Charleston Aquarium, '04 ::
Show Cows '06
:: Show Cows '06 ::
Naples Zoo 07
:: Naples Zoo 07 ::
Nashville Zoo 07
:: Nashville Zoo 07 ::
Central Florida Zoo 08
:: Central Florida Zoo 08 ::
Granby Zoo 08
:: Granby Zoo 08 ::
Audubon Birds of Prey Sanctuary Florida
:: Audubon Birds of Prey Sanctuary Florida ::
Butterfly Garden 09
:: Butterfly Garden 09 ::
Complex Killdeer II
:: Complex Killdeer II ::
Random Animals
:: Random Animals ::
Horseshow '09
:: Horseshow '09 ::
Cow Show '09
:: Cow Show '09 ::
Bluejay Encounter
:: Bluejay Encounter ::
VINS Vermont Raptors '12
:: VINS Vermont Raptors '12 ::
Granby Zoo '12
:: Granby Zoo '12 ::
Cape Ann Whale Watch, '13
:: Cape Ann Whale Watch, '13 ::
Mystic Aquarium '14
:: Mystic Aquarium '14 ::
Stone Zoo 2014
:: Stone Zoo 2014 ::