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Dan Greenberg | profile | all galleries >> Eclectica (10 Galleries) >> Vintage Lenses tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Vintage Lenses

Images shot with vintage lenses on digital cameras using adapters. Almost all of these have already been posted in other galleries by theme or event, but I wanted a compilation of them in one place.

Best viewed at original size.
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Purple Irises
Purple Irises
Peach Colored Irises
Peach Colored Irises
1937 Ford
1937 Ford
Stair Railing Abstract
Stair Railing Abstract
A Star Wars Character
A Star Wars Character
Hawaiian Orchid Tree (Bauhinia purpurea)
Hawaiian Orchid Tree (Bauhinia purpurea)
Ti Tree
Ti Tree
Three Bumblebees
Three Bumblebees
Heath-leafed Banksia
Heath-leafed Banksia
Coffee Cup on a Messy Desk
Coffee Cup on a Messy Desk
Trees Double Exposure
Trees Double Exposure
1953 Chevy
1953 Chevy
Inside an Old Gas Pump
Inside an Old Gas Pump
Lincoln's Roadhouse
Lincoln's Roadhouse
1954 Buick Special
1954 Buick Special
Pin Striping
Pin Striping
Pincushion Protea
Pincushion Protea
1950 Kaiser
1950 Kaiser
1934 Ford
1934 Ford
Outside Romanos Restaurant
Outside Romanos Restaurant
1958 Buick
1958 Buick
A Single Rose
A Single Rose
1939 Pontiac
1939 Pontiac
1951 Mercury
1951 Mercury
1936 Ford
1936 Ford
Rustscape 260
Rustscape 260
Pincushion Protea
Pincushion Protea
Vanilla Hyssop
Vanilla Hyssop
Suburbia at Dusk
Suburbia at Dusk
1954 Chevy
1954 Chevy
The Chuck Wagon Diner
The Chuck Wagon Diner
An Attractive Couple
An Attractive Couple
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