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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Eclectica (10 Galleries) >> Vintage Lenses > 1939 Pontiac
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1939 Pontiac

Sheridan, CO

Happy New Year PBase Friends!!
Best viewed at original size.

Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II ,Pentax 55mm f/1.8 Super Takumar ,M. Zhongyi Turbo Adapter
1/5000s f/1.8 at 39.9mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jean Chiasson08-Jan-2024 16:03
Beautiful Pontiac composition Dan V
Dan Opdal03-Jan-2024 01:56
Happy New Year! My father had a 1954 Pontiac Station Wagon with an Indian hood ornament on it. V
Wim Ensie01-Jan-2024 16:34
A beauty Dan, you made that Indian ornament even sharper. BV
Jeff Real01-Jan-2024 15:26
This is a great one!
Tom Beech01-Jan-2024 13:11
Beauty shot... Happy New Year Dan
Danad01-Jan-2024 11:05
Happy New Year Dan !
Superb work with lines and light !
Roland Le Gall01-Jan-2024 11:02
Happy new year…!
Roland Le Gall01-Jan-2024 11:01
Dennis Hoyne01-Jan-2024 01:35
Nice shot. Happy New Year Dan!
Julie Oldfield01-Jan-2024 00:23
Happy New Year! The lighting is phenomenal! V
pkocinski01-Jan-2024 00:12
Happy New Year to you & your family.
janescottcumming31-Dec-2023 22:03
Fantastic colors! I remember my dad had a Pontiac with a hood ornament that looked like this. Love the colors here. V
larose forest photos31-Dec-2023 19:01
What a dazzling shot. I love the colours and light, and the way the hood ornament appears to be heading forward with gusto. Happy New Year. VV
Richard Chu31-Dec-2023 18:55
Stunning composition and tone! V
sand_shadow31-Dec-2023 17:15
My grandfather had a Pontiac with a hook ornament that would light up, which was cool at the drive-in movies. But this one is striking without the electricity. Beautiful photo. V