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Airplanes models

This is another one of my hobbies: Building airplane models.
I’m showing in this folder most of the ones I’ve built so far with a description of what they are and their historical significance.
I hope you’ll like them.
Aérospatiale/BAC Concorde
Aérospatiale/BAC Concorde
Avro Lancaster - Operation Chastise
Avro Lancaster - Operation Chastise
Boeing E-3 Sentry
Boeing E-3 Sentry
Boeing Stearman PT-17 Kaydet
Boeing Stearman PT-17 Kaydet
Canadair CL215
Canadair CL215
Dornier 335 Pfeil (Arrow)
Dornier 335 Pfeil (Arrow)
Douglas C-47 Skytrain
Douglas C-47 Skytrain
Enterprise + Boeing 747 SCA
Enterprise + Boeing 747 SCA
Fiat CR-32 & Polikarpov I-16
Fiat CR-32 & Polikarpov I-16
Fokker DR. 1
Fokker DR. 1
Focke Wulf 190 A8 and North American P-51D
Focke Wulf 190 A8 and North American P-51D
Galland Project
Galland Project
Heinkel 51 - Flown by Lieutenant Adolf Galland
Heinkel 51 - Flown by Lieutenant Adolf Galland
Heinkel 178
Heinkel 178
Junkers 52
Junkers 52
Lockheed L-749 Constellation
Lockheed L-749 Constellation
Lockheed P-38J
Lockheed P-38J
Lockheed Skunk Works
Lockheed Skunk Works
Lockheed Vega “Winnie Mae”
Lockheed Vega “Winnie Mae”
McDonnell F-4J Phantom II + Mig-21 PF
McDonnell F-4J Phantom II + Mig-21 PF
North American P-51 B
North American P-51 B
North American X-15 and Boeing NB-52
North American X-15 and Boeing NB-52
Northrop P-61 Black Widow
Northrop P-61 Black Widow
Schneider Trophy
Schneider Trophy
Sopwith Camel
Sopwith Camel
Supermarine Walrus
Supermarine Walrus
The Three Biggest Moments In Aviation History
The Three Biggest Moments In Aviation History
Rearranging these four guys
Rearranging these four guys
My basement - My collection of airplane models hanging from the ceiling
My basement - My collection of airplane models hanging from the ceiling
Keep calm
Keep calm