This year we had a difficult time getting to Buenos Aires!
Friday the plane took off on time at 9:50 PM. An hour later, just as they were beginning to serve the meal the pilot announced that there was an instrument problem and that we would be turning around, dumping fuel, and landing at the same airport! I have to admit that this made us a bit uneasy. However, we landed safely shortly after midnight. After a considerable wait, someone from the ground crew announced that we would be given vouchers for a hotel, and for food, and a boarding pass for a new plane that would leave Saturday at Eight.......PM!!! This involved another almost 45 minute wait in line for the vouchers and then yet another wait for a monorail to take us to the place where we could wait again for a shuttle bus which did not arrive. So finally a bunch of us bribed the driver from another hotel to take us to ours. We finally got to bed well after 3:00 AM. In the morning we realized that our airport hotel was totally isolated and we had no choice than to use half of our vouchers to pay for an expensive hotel “breakfast buffet” which was really third rate and since checkout time was 12 noon we then had to return reluctantly to the airport to wait seven hours for our plane which actually took off an hour and a half later than that. At least the rest of our journey went smoothly but, all told, it took us 40 hours to get from our apartment in New York to our apartment in Buenos Aires.
wow-I see Your's spend interested time together in Argentina- I like these pics. Hugs from Poland
24-Sep-2013 07:01
Pity such terrible start of your holidays. However, when the holidays are perfect, you do forget the delay soon. Nice photo's, many old cars, beautiful houses and as always, David in the same pose as I see have seen him in many photo's in the last 25 years.
Gene Poe
18-Sep-2013 03:39
I love you guys! You really enjoy life! Well, I got married to my Michael, we have been to gather almost 5 years. We have our home in the desert, and redone the old apt. in LA, and are keeping it. We went on a Honeymoon by train up the west coast for 10 days, it was wonderful. All my love Poe