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Chris Willis | profile | all galleries >> Ethiopia's Northern Historical Circuit, Dec. 2006 >> Gondar tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bahir Dar | Gondar | Axum | Lalibela | Addis Ababa


These are pictures from our visit to Gondar in December 2006. This was the second stop in our tour of the Northern Ethiopian Historical Loop. Gondar was the capital of Ethiopia in the 17th Century, and its architectural monuments date to that time period.

Thanks to my friends at the Fodor's Travel Talk Forum for identifying the birds in this gallery.
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Gondar's airport

Gondar's airport

Traveling into Gondar by horse-drawn cart

Traveling into Gondar by horse-drawn cart

IMG_0619.JPG Fasilidas' Castle Complex

Fasilidas' Castle Complex

Fasilidas' Castle Complex

Fasilidas' Castle Complex

Fasilidas' Castle Complex

Fasilidas' Castle Complex

Fasilidas' Castle Complex.  These structures date back to the 17th century, and were built by Emperor Fasilidas and his sucessors.

Fasilidas' Castle Complex. These structures date back to the 17th century, and were built by Emperor Fasilidas and his sucessors.

IMG_0764.JPG IMG_0824 copy.JPG IMG_0831.JPG Lion cages in Fasilidas' Castle Complex

Lion cages in Fasilidas' Castle Complex

Several of the structures are ruined and overgrown.

Several of the structures are ruined and overgrown.

Towers have distinctive domed roofs.

Towers have distinctive domed roofs.

Entrance to Fasilidas' Bath

Entrance to Fasilidas' Bath

Fasilidas' Bath.  During Timket, the area at the bottom is filled with holy water and used for ceremonies.

Fasilidas' Bath. During Timket, the area at the bottom is filled with holy water and used for ceremonies.

The walls surrounding Fasilidas' Bath are overgrown with trees.

The walls surrounding Fasilidas' Bath are overgrown with trees.

IMG_1004.JPG IMG_1015.JPG
IMG_1017.JPG IMG_1064.JPG Street scene, Gondar.

Street scene, Gondar.

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