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Chris Willis | profile | all galleries >> Ethiopia's Northern Historical Circuit, Dec. 2006 >> Addis Ababa tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bahir Dar | Gondar | Axum | Lalibela | Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa

We spent a half-day in Addis Ababa as we concluded our tour of Ethiopia and prepared to depart for Uganda.
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Addis Ababa is a bustling, vibrant city.

Addis Ababa is a bustling, vibrant city.

A new, seemingly high-tech building under construction using decidedly low-tech means.

A new, seemingly high-tech building under construction using decidedly low-tech means.

A monument in Addis

A monument in Addis

Entrance to Addis Ababa University

Entrance to Addis Ababa University

A fruit stand on the streets of Addis

A fruit stand on the streets of Addis

Kiddist Selassie Cathedral, also known as Holy Trinity Cathedral.

Kiddist Selassie Cathedral, also known as Holy Trinity Cathedral.

This cathedral was constructed by Emperor Haile Selassie beginning in 1933.  Its construction was interrupted by the Italian occupation of Ethiopia, and was completed after the Italians were expelled.

This cathedral was constructed by Emperor Haile Selassie beginning in 1933. Its construction was interrupted by the Italian occupation of Ethiopia, and was completed after the Italians were expelled.

A statute on the exterior of Kiddist Selassie

A statute on the exterior of Kiddist Selassie

Interior of Kiddist Selassie

Interior of Kiddist Selassie

Painting representing the Holy Trinity

Painting representing the Holy Trinity

Kiddist Selassie has a series of beautiful stained glass windows depicting scenes from the Bible.  Here, the Garden of Eden.

Kiddist Selassie has a series of beautiful stained glass windows depicting scenes from the Bible. Here, the Garden of Eden.

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