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Chris Willis | profile | all galleries >> Ethiopia's Northern Historical Circuit, Dec. 2006 >> Bahir Dar tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bahir Dar | Gondar | Axum | Lalibela | Addis Ababa

Bahir Dar

Photos from our visit to Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. We visited Bahir Dar as the first stop on the "Northern Historical Loop" of Ethiopia.
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The fastest way to tour the Northern Historical Loop is by air.

The fastest way to tour the Northern Historical Loop is by air.

Scenery near Bahir Dar.

Scenery near Bahir Dar.

Tana Hotel

Tana Hotel

Lake Tana from Bahir Dar

Lake Tana from Bahir Dar

Flowers at the Tana Hotel

Flowers at the Tana Hotel

Tana Hotel, part of the Ghion Hotel Chain

Tana Hotel, part of the Ghion Hotel Chain

A roadside market near Bahir Dar

A roadside market near Bahir Dar

IMG_0251 copy.JPG Drying spices in the sun

Drying spices in the sun

Passing a village on the way to the Blue Nile Falls

Passing a village on the way to the Blue Nile Falls

Scenery near the Blue Nile Falls

Scenery near the Blue Nile Falls

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