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Chris Willis | profile | all galleries >> Ethiopia's Northern Historical Circuit, Dec. 2006 >> Axum tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bahir Dar | Gondar | Axum | Lalibela | Addis Ababa


Our third stop in Ethiopia was Axum, Ethiopia's ancient capital. The city has a variety of ruins and monuments, and excavations suggest that the city dates back to 600BC.
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UN helicopter and vehicles at the Axum airport.  These are for the Ethiopia-Eritrea border peacekeeping mission.

UN helicopter and vehicles at the Axum airport. These are for the Ethiopia-Eritrea border peacekeeping mission.

Typical house construction in the Axum area

Typical house construction in the Axum area

A wagon is loaded with hay near Axum

A wagon is loaded with hay near Axum

Donkeys walk on Denver Street in Axum

Donkeys walk on "Denver Street" in Axum

Relics in the Axum Archaeological Museum

Relics in the Axum Archaeological Museum

IMG_2215.JPG A Tigray woman shows off her handicrafts in Axum.  This picture was chosen as a finalist in the 2007 Atlanta Journal-Constitution Travel Photo Contest, People category.

A Tigray woman shows off her handicrafts in Axum. This picture was chosen as a finalist in the 2007 Atlanta Journal-Constitution Travel Photo Contest, "People" category.

King Basen's Tomb

King Basen's Tomb

Burial nook in King Basen's Tomb.  This tomb reputedly dates back to the time of Christ.

Burial nook in King Basen's Tomb. This tomb reputedly dates back to the time of Christ.

Stela that marks the location of King Basen's Tomb

Stela that marks the location of King Basen's Tomb

Monument in downtown Axum

Monument in downtown Axum

Axum's main stelae field

Axum's main stelae field

A tigray woman and her child near the Tombs of Kaleb and Gebre Meskel

A tigray woman and her child near the Tombs of Kaleb and Gebre Meskel

Piles of hay, with a scenic vista looking northward toward Eritrea, near the tombs of Kaleb and Gebre Meskel.

Piles of hay, with a scenic vista looking northward toward Eritrea, near the tombs of Kaleb and Gebre Meskel.

IMG_2392.JPG IMG_2395.JPG
Inside the tomb of King Kaleb, dating back to the 6th century A.D.

Inside the tomb of King Kaleb, dating back to the 6th century A.D.

Tomb of King Kaleb

Tomb of King Kaleb

Stone sarcophagi in the Tomb of King Kaleb

Stone sarcophagi in the Tomb of King Kaleb

Scenery near the tombs of Kaleb and Gebre Meskel

Scenery near the tombs of Kaleb and Gebre Meskel

IMG_2440.JPG Trilingual tablet written in Ge'z, Saebean and Greek, near Axum.  This tablet dates back to the time of King Ezana, 4th century A.D.

Trilingual tablet written in Ge'z, Saebean and Greek, near Axum. This tablet dates back to the time of King Ezana, 4th century A.D.

Mai Shum, sometimes called the Bath of the Queen of Sheba.  It is now used as a water source by local families.

Mai Shum, sometimes called the "Bath of the Queen of Sheba." It is now used as a water source by local families.

A UN vehicle at the Remhai Hotel in Axum

A UN vehicle at the Remhai Hotel in Axum

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