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Canon DSLR Challenge | all galleries >> CSLR Challenge 51: GOLD (hosted by Vikas Malhotra) >> Exhibition > * Golden Oldie
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05-SEP-2005 Lonnit Rysher

* Golden Oldie

Republic Airport, Farmingdale, NY

Canon EOS 10D ,Sigma 15mm f/2.8 EX Fisheye
1/350s f/8.0 at 15.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 27-Sep-2005 21:33
LOL! That thing sees more action now than it did in it's day! LOL! ~ Lonnit
Canon DSLR Challenge26-Sep-2005 17:12
Hey, wait a minute! That looks awfully familiar. ;-)

One of the local colleges held an Aviation Heritage Festival this weekend, and I took my camera for a walk. Jacky's Revenge was in Nashua this weekend.