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Canon DSLR Challenge | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> CSLR Challenge 51: GOLD (hosted by Vikas Malhotra) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

CSLR Challenge 51: GOLD (hosted by Vikas Malhotra)

This Challenge is about taking photographs with the focus being on GOLD. This again can be in two forms, namely:

1. GOLD… the metal
2. GOLD… the colour

You are at full liberty to interpret it the way you want, maybe the golden colour of the evening sun/sunlight, a gold wedding band on a finger, gold jewelry, gold backdrop to a still life, the possibilities are limitless

Keep tabs on this challenge's discussions, add your own thoughts or post questions in the official challenge thread HERE

Challenge Starts: September 23rd 2005 0:00UTC
Challenge Ends: October 4th 2005 23:59 UTC

Voting Begins: Wednesday October 5th 2005 0:00 UTC
Voting Ends: Thursday October 6th 2005 23:59 UTC

At the end of the challenge, be sure to vote and leave comments for your favorite images in the vote booth.

Voting thread is HERE

Result thread is HERE

PASSWORD: To obtain the PBase password for these galleries please email the pass holders.
RULES: Everything you wanted to know should be at the CSLR challenge FAQ.
:: Eligible ::
:: Exhibition ::
Challenge 51: GOLD
Challenge 51: GOLD