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Canon DSLR Challenge | all galleries >> CSLR Challenge 51: GOLD (hosted by Vikas Malhotra) >> Exhibition > * Lamplight
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10-APR-2005 Lonnit Rysher

* Lamplight

New York City

Canon EOS 10D ,Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
1/125s f/2.8 at 60.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Canon DSLR Challenge25-Sep-2005 00:34
yes very abstract and in perfect balance, took me a while to take it in which is good.
rob mc
Canon DSLR Challenge24-Sep-2005 15:28
Thank you all. This is a particular favorite of mine so I'm very happy you like it. :) ~ Lonnit
Guest 24-Sep-2005 12:24
Great clean and contemporary feel, Lonnit.
Canon DSLR Challenge24-Sep-2005 02:20
Oops. Sorry for putting the extra t in your name. I apologize - CameraShy09
Canon DSLR Challenge24-Sep-2005 02:17
These are beautiful, Lonnitt. It took me a while to realize the photo had been flipped to get the "suspended in mid-air feeling." It is very effective. Very nice shot. - CameraShy09
alexeig23-Sep-2005 21:22
Clean and precise. Lots of geometry, contrast and beautiful color. Great work. I am amazed how you managed to keep everything in focus with aperture f/2.8